Competence Centre for Integration Mödling (KIM)
From the 1st of March 2011 to the 31st of March 2015 we managed the Competence Centre for Integration Mödling (KIM), formerly known as the "Liese Prokop Integrationswohnhaus" run by the Austrian Integration Fund (ÖIF).
Situated in pleasant, green surroundings, the centre contained 48 living spaces, offering room for up to 130 asylees. The varying sizes of these living areas ensured that the centre accommodated families as well as individuals. Bathrooms and kitchens were communal, and next to the centre was a large playground.
The KIM offered asylees and those under subsidiary protection in Lower Austria assistance in:Integration Counselling
Our integration advisors supported asylees in:- financial matters (clarifying their financial situation, as well as assisting with requests to public offices and agencies)
- health issues (health insurance and medical care)
- familial problems (pedagogic issues, childcare, schools, arranging psychotherapeutic help)
- contacting other social facilities and offices
- housing issues (finding housing according to needs and requirements)
- job searching (in cooperation with local businesses and the Public Employment Service Austria (AMS)
German Courses
The Human Rights Association Austria was certified as a provider of German courses in literacy and integration according to § 15 NAG. The centre was an official testing area of the Austrian German Language Diploma (ÖSD). Only ÖIF and ÖSD certified teaching personnel were used for both courses and exams.- Assessment of German language competence
- German courses ranging from literacy up to intensive courses (Level A2)
- Specially devised language courses focusing on job searching and application practice.
Life in the KIM - the beginning of an intensive integration process
The KIM offered 130 asylees and people under subsidiary protection an ideal starting point for an intensive integration process. Throughout a stay of approximately one year, asylees were prepared to meet all conditions for a successful transition into professional life and their own accommodation. The KIM's accommodation particularly catered to the needs of families with children.Offers for Children
- Tutoring throughout the school year
- Learning and recreational activities in the summer months
- Individual projects and outdoor activities
- Lectures, cultural events and exhibitions in cooperation with other organisations
- Initiation of integration projects
Visiting Counselling
The KIM offered municipalities, accommodation providers and similar facilities in Lower Austria out-reach counselling for asylees and people under subsidiary protection.The Competence Centre for Integration was co-funded by the European Refugee Fund and the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BM.I). Since 1. April 2015 the address at Jägerhausgasse 1 in Mödling is used as a special reception centre for Lower Austria by the BM.I.
Address: Alser Straße 20/21+22, A-1090 Wien Tel: +43 (1) 40 90 480 Fax: +43 (1) 40 90 480 -2 E-mail: ZVR Number: 460937540